The below list only includes funded proposals submitted during the 2017 - 2018 Academic Year funding cycle.

Primary Investigator(s)Mini-Grant Proposal TitleFunding Approved

Abramiuk, Marc (Anthropology)

"Reconstructing Classic Maya Political Organization at Quebrada de Oro, Belize."


Alvarado, Allison (Biology)

"Developing screening methodologies to distinguish local hummingbird subspecies."


Awad, Ahmed (Chemistry)

"Synthesis of Sulfonamide-Ribonucleoside conjugates as potent antimicrobial, antitumor, or antiviral agents."


Chen, Nien-Tsu Nancy (Communication)

"Assessing Community Organizing Capacity and Interorganizational Collaboration Among Grassroots Organizations in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties."


Isaacs, Jason (Computer Science)

"Passive Acoustic Primate Monitoring Project."


Jenkins, Jacob (Communication)

"The Case Study Challenge: Using HIPs to Develop HIPs."


Linton, Kristen (Health Science)

"A Sexual Health Curriculum for Social Workers."


Matera, Jaime (Anthropology)

"Exploring the Value of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Social Networks for Marine Resource Management in the Cook Islands."


Mitchell, Robin (History)

"Femme Noire: Black Women and the Evolution of Contemporary Eighteenth Century French Culture, 1684-1805."


Ornelas-Higdon, Julia (History)

"Race and Conquest in California’s Nineteenth-Century Wine Industry."


Patsch, Kiki (Environmental Science and Resource Management)

"Beach Sustainability Project: Establishing an economic value for California's Sandy Beach Ecosystem."


Perchuk, Alison (Art History)

"The Monastery of Eijah & Landscapes of St. Gregory."


Sanchez, Luis (Sociology)

"An Examination of Latino Middle-Class Neighborhoods across Time and Place."


Thoms, Brian (Computer Science)

"A Multidisciplinary Approach to Building Next Generation Social Networks."


Total Funding98,090.00

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