Mission Statement
In support of the University mission, the CSU - Channel Islands' Office of Faculty Development and the Faculty Development Advisory Committee (FDAC) are dedicated to helping all faculty flourish as teachers, scholars, and colleagues. Faculty development programs, services, and resources enhance instructional innovation and effectiveness and support scholarly and creative activities, including the scholarship of teaching, and University or community service. The Office of Faculty Development and FDAC advocate for university resources to support faculty needs and cultivate a positive, sustainable academic environment.
A faculty vital at all career stages, who continue to learn, design, develop and teach courses, work as scholars and artists, and make fresh contributions to program and University governance.
A faculty development program dedicated to promoting a university culture in which faculty have the necessary time for reflection, assessment, and scholarly work.
A faculty development program that provides communication and coordination across diverse University programs and encourages interdisciplinary, international and multicultural perspectives and activities.
An Office of Faculty Development that brings together a full-time director, staff, faculty, and other university resources to support faculty professional development and collaborative work.
Advocacy: In consultation with FDAC, the director or coordinator is responsible for design, implementation, and evaluation of faculty development programs and services. Further, this individual advocates for the resources – time, fiscal, and human – that faculty need to achieve in teaching, service, and scholarly and creative activities.
Balance: The Office of Faculty Development promotes expectations for a culture of work-life balance to prevent overwork, burnout, and the waste of human capital.
Communication: Clear communication and accessibility of information are essential to promoting faculty success. Norms and expectations regarding faculty teaching, research, and scholarship are made explicit, and procedures transparent, to ensure equitable and fair access to opportunity.
Recognition: Faculty, and the University more broadly, benefit by being aware of, building on, and celebrating faculty achievements, in teaching, scholarly and creative activities, and service.
Collaboration: Faculty development programs value and encourage interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration among faculty across disciplines and ranks.
Partnerships: Faculty development is more efficient and effective when it works as a partner with other University programs and offices – University Library, Faculty Affairs, CFA, Dean of Faculty, IT, ORSP, Service Learning, CIA, CIS, Assessment, etc., keeping faculty needs and concerns at the center.
Inclusiveness: Faculty development programs and services are for faculty of all ranks, any status, and any career stage and are responsive to the differing perspectives, issues, challenges based on ethnicity, gender, country or region of origin, first language, employment background, discipline, etc.
Responsibility: Faculty development programs and services are open to all faculty but required of none. Faculty may participate in any of a variety of programs.
Variety: No one approach works for all faculty. Thus, faculty development programs offer variety and flexibility in approaches and strategies, giving faculty alternatives and allowing them to participate in a way that suits their schedule and work preferences.
Confidentiality: Individual consultation with faculty, on teaching, scholarship, or service, is confidential and unrelated to the performance and periodic review of individual faculty.